Chickasaw Plum | Oikos Tree Crops
Oikos Tree Crops
PO Box 19425
Kalamazoo, Michigan 40019-0425

Chickasaw Plum — Prunus angustifolia
Tart, Red, Prolific
Native from Maryland south to Florida - take a right and head to Texas.
This tree can be found in open fields and hedgerows growing in great gusto with competition from many other plants. In the past, this southern species plum was grown for making a tart bright red jelly. Unlike the American plum, chickasaw plum has cleaner foliage and can be pruned to a single trunk. The fruit ripens starting in September. Our planting produces loads of bright red 1” tart plums. Fruit is free of worms without spray. Very high yielding plant often producing 2 bushels of fruit on mature plants. Height from 15-20 ft and 20 ft. width. Trees tend to be broad spreading.

Price breaks available at 3 and some sizes at 25. Prices will automatically adjust at ordering.

Hardiness -25 °F.

Contact Information

Phone: (269) 624-6233
Fax: (269) 624-4019
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